The Realm Awaits: Your Sorcery Card Journey Begins Here!

Explore our vast Selection of Sorcery Contested Realm TCG Singles, Premium Tokens, Sorcery Counters, Sealed Product, Custom Playmats, Accessories, and More! Enjoy free U.S. shipping on orders over $50.

  • Arthurian Legends Booster Boxes

    Gather your deck and play like a knight of the Round Table!

    $129 each

    View Sealed Product 
  • NEW Premium Magnetic Tokens

    Upgrade your gameplay with premium magnetic tokens, mix & match!

    Only $1.50 each!

    View Premium Tokens 
  • More Sorcery Counters Coming Soon!

    Introducing the Sorcery Counter by CardDig – a premium, magnetic counter crafted specifically forSorcery: Contested Realm!

    View Sorcery Counters 

Tune in to the All Things Contested Realm Podcast

All Things Contested Realm Podcast, hosted by Kevin Rodriguez. Check it out for gameplay insights, news, card discussions, and more!

What is Sorcery: Contested Realm TCG?

Sorcery: Contested Realm is a fantasy card game created by Erik Olofsson and Nickolas Reynolds. It started as a highly successful Kickstarter project and features exquisite hand-painted art from renowned fantasy artists. Players embody Avatars, unleashing elemental spells, summoning minions, and strategically shaping the game world on a 5x4 grid. The game seamlessly blends retro aesthetics with modern design, resulting in engaging and memorable gameplay. If you'd like to delve deeper into the world of Sorcery: Contested Realm, you can find more information about it on the official Sorcery TCG website here.